Public Health
The unit is Responsible for designing and
implementing preventive and promotive health interventions to reduce the
occurrence of preventable, communicable, and treatable diseases.

Family Health
Responsible for coordinating the integration of Child Health & Reproductive
Health Services at all levels. Develop Policies, strategies, and Guidelines. Guide
implementation of services as well as monitor and evaluate services.
Planning and policy and coordination
The Department is in charge of policy, strategic, and operational planning
and formulation, standard setting, performance management framework,
information management and use of information for evidence-based decision
making, research and development, partnership arrangement, resource
mobilization and financing, and coordination with key stakeholders and

Medical Services
The department supports strategy formulation, developing institutional
policy, protocols, and procedures towards ensuring that adequate
implementation of these processes are achieved according to predefined standards.
Human Resource for Health
The Department is responsible for the overall Human resource for Health
management and providing leadership and vision for
achieving the goals of the Department. The unit is responsible for providing
technical and professional support.

Finance, Admin & HR Management
The Department of Finance and Admin is responsible for all
aspects of the MoH operations management, logistics, and accounting function,
ensuring compliance with financial accounting and reporting policies,
procedures, and standards set out in the Jubaland PFM law and where required in
conformance to international partners’ requirements.
Regional Secretariat
The office is in charge of Regional Coordination and is responsible for the
implementation and liaison of MOH programs, work plans, and tactical
engagements between state and regional offices.